Time Calibrated Phylogenies

Construction and evaluation of time calibrated trees for each serotype

Serotype A

Check tree model statistics the get_tracer_stats() function calculates similar summary statistics as the Tracer software typically used with BEAST.

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check_stats <- get_tracer_stats(here("local/beast/a_1/sero_a.log.txt"))

keep_stats <- c("joint", "prior", "likelihood", "treeModel.rootHeight", "age.root.",
                "treeLength", "tmrca.fmd_a_rev.", "clock.rate")

check_stats %>%
  filter(Parameter %in% keep_stats) %>%
  gt() %>%
    title = md("Serotype A Stats")) %>%
  cols_width(starts_with("Parameter") ~ px(200),
             starts_with("label") ~ px(60),
             everything() ~ px(95)) %>%
  tab_options(table.font.size = "small",
              row_group.font.size = "small",
              stub.font.size = "small",
              column_labels.font.size = "medium",
              heading.title.font.size = "large",
              data_row.padding = px(2),
              heading.title.font.weight = "bold",
              column_labels.font.weight = "bold") %>%
  opt_stylize(style = 6, color = 'gray')
Serotype A Stats
Parameter Mean Median Q_0.025 Q_0.975 ESS
joint -5660.087 -5658.760 -5681.411 -5645.418 1264
prior -71.918 -70.707 -91.298 -58.708 1065
likelihood -5588.169 -5587.791 -5598.043 -5580.312 8107
treeModel.rootHeight 14.227 12.977 9.476 25.213 858
age.root. 1998.715 1999.965 1987.729 2003.467 858
treeLength 61.955 55.221 37.227 120.591 846
clock.rate 0.004 0.004 0.002 0.007 1161

Load MCC tree

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sero_A.tree <- read.nexus(here("local/beast/a_1/sero_a.mcc.tre"))

plot_time_tree(sero_A.tree, check_stats)

FMDV Effective Population Size
Trees were run using several different clock and prior choices, all showed flat-line Ne. The one here was the simplest, coalescent with contant population size.

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phylodynamic_process(sero_A.tree, check_stats, x_limits = c("2011-01-01", "2013-01-01"))

 *** inla.core.safe:  rerun to try to solve negative eigenvalue(s) in the Hessian 

Serotype Asia1

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check_stats <- get_tracer_stats(here("local/beast/asia1_1/sero_asia1.log.txt"))

keep_stats <- c("joint", "prior", "likelihood", "treeModel.rootHeight", "age.root.",
                "treeLength", "tmrca.fmd_a_rev.", "clock.rate")

check_stats %>%
  filter(Parameter %in% keep_stats) %>%
  gt() %>%
    title = md("Serotype Asia1 Stats")) %>%
  cols_width(starts_with("Parameter") ~ px(200),
             starts_with("label") ~ px(60),
             everything() ~ px(95)) %>%
  tab_options(table.font.size = "small",
              row_group.font.size = "small",
              stub.font.size = "small",
              column_labels.font.size = "medium",
              heading.title.font.size = "large",
              data_row.padding = px(2),
              heading.title.font.weight = "bold",
              column_labels.font.weight = "bold") %>%
  opt_stylize(style = 6, color = 'gray')
Serotype Asia1 Stats
Parameter Mean Median Q_0.025 Q_0.975 ESS
joint -5992.181 -5991.690 -6019.456 -5968.308 1583
prior -151.880 -151.805 -175.397 -129.265 1063
likelihood -5840.301 -5840.022 -5856.071 -5826.286 3980
treeModel.rootHeight 10.005 9.950 9.102 11.222 1483
age.root. 2007.157 2007.212 2005.940 2008.060 1483
treeLength 37.323 36.894 30.145 47.059 978
clock.rate 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.007 1163

Load MCC tree

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sero_Asia1.tree <- read.nexus(here("local/beast/asia1_1/sero_asia1.mcc.tre")) 
plot_time_tree(sero_Asia1.tree, check_stats, legend_pos = c(0.2, 0.5))

FMDV Effective Population Size
Flat Ne, like the other serotypes

Hide code
phylodynamic_process(sero_Asia1.tree, check_stats, x_limits = c("2011-01-01", "2013-01-01"))

 *** inla.core.safe:  rerun to try to solve negative eigenvalue(s) in the Hessian 

Serotype O

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check_stats <- get_tracer_stats(here("local/beast/o_1/sero_o.log.txt"))

keep_stats <- c("joint", "prior", "likelihood", "treeModel.rootHeight", "age.root.",
                "treeLength", "tmrca.fmd_a_rev.", "clock.rate")

check_stats %>%
  filter(Parameter %in% keep_stats) %>%
  gt() %>%
    title = md("Serotype O Stats")) %>%
  cols_width(starts_with("Parameter") ~ px(200),
             starts_with("label") ~ px(60),
             everything() ~ px(95)) %>%
  tab_options(table.font.size = "small",
              row_group.font.size = "small",
              stub.font.size = "small",
              column_labels.font.size = "medium",
              heading.title.font.size = "large",
              data_row.padding = px(2),
              heading.title.font.weight = "bold",
              column_labels.font.weight = "bold") %>%
  opt_stylize(style = 6, color = 'gray')
Serotype O Stats
Parameter Mean Median Q_0.025 Q_0.975 ESS
joint -5238.961 -5236.541 -5269.064 -5224.695 279
prior -80.068 -77.731 -110.322 -67.692 235
likelihood -5158.893 -5158.525 -5170.130 -5149.610 7552
treeModel.rootHeight 29.087 14.897 11.792 38.048 4372
age.root. 1987.033 2001.224 1978.072 2004.328 4372
treeLength 116.062 52.651 40.024 155.606 4425
clock.rate 0.004 0.004 0.001 0.005 455

Load MCC tree

Hide code
sero_O.tree <- read.nexus(here("local/beast/o_1/sero_o.mcc.tre"))

plot_time_tree(sero_O.tree, check_stats, legend_pos = c(0.2, 0.5))

FMDV Effective Population Size
Flat Ne, like the other serotypes

Hide code
phylodynamic_process(sero_O.tree, check_stats, x_limits = c("2011-01-01", "2013-01-01"))

 *** inla.core.safe:  rerun to try to solve negative eigenvalue(s) in the Hessian