
Wrangling and preparing date for analyses in other sections

Revise Nexus Files

The function nexus_label_swap() edits the Nexus file to move the descriptive text with each sample to the label position to be shown as tip labels. The revised file is saved with a _rev added to the end.

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tree_files <- list.files(here("local/paktrees"))

# swap labels
for(i in 1:length(tree_files)){
  nexus_label_swap(here("local/paktrees", tree_files[i]))

View Tree

Tree visualization to confirm nexus_label_swap() worked

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# list of revised nexus files
tree_files <- list.files(here("local/paktrees"), pattern="_rev\\.nex$")

# choose a tree
tree_tmp <-"local/paktrees", tree_files[4]))
Hide code

Figure 1: Figure is only a test plot to verify labels were correctly swapped in the Nexus file, but represents Segment 3D.


Extract, clean, and join geographic coordinates. The function convert_dms_to_dd() was coded to clean special characters and mistyped text from the raw file before conversion.

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farm_file <- read.csv(here("local/farm_clean2.csv"))

farm_file  <- farm_file %>%
  mutate(coord_x = as.numeric(sapply(coord_x, convert_dms_to_dd)),
         coord_y = as.numeric(sapply(coord_y, convert_dms_to_dd)))

farms_locs <- farm_file %>%
  group_by(farm_code) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
Hide code
write.csv(farms_locs, here("local/farms_locs.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(farm_file, here("local/animals_locs.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

Format data for mapping

The function calculate_bounding_box() helps with conversion and padding dtermination for the map.

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# use api to access background maps  
map_api <- yaml::read_yaml(here("local", "secrets.yaml"))
register_stadiamaps(key = map_api$stadi_api)
# has_stadiamaps_key()

bbox <- calculate_bounding_box(farms_locs, 1)

bbox_coords <- c(left = bbox$min_lon, bottom = bbox$min_lat, 
                 right = bbox$max_lon, top = bbox$max_lat)

background_map <- get_map(location = bbox_coords, 
                          source = "stadia", maptype = "stamen_terrain")
ℹ © Stadia Maps © Stamen Design © OpenMapTiles © OpenStreetMap contributors.

Farm Locations (1)

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plot_study_area(background_map, farms_locs)

Farm Locations (2)

Try a different background

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new_background <- get_map(location = bbox_coords, 
                          source = "stadia", maptype = "stamen_toner")

plot_study_area(new_background, farms_locs)

Subclinical Summary

Data wrangling to summarize subclinical cases. The convert_dates() function is used to standardize dates recorded using different formats.

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all_serotypes_tree <-"local/paktrees", tree_files[5]))

sero_df <-

names(sero_df) <- "label"

# get animal and sample number from tip label
sero_df <- sero_df  %>%
  filter(str_count(label, "/") >= 4) %>%
  mutate(parts = str_split(label, "/")) %>%
  mutate(string = sapply(parts, function(x) if (length(x) > 3) x[4] else NA)) %>%
  mutate(animal = as.integer(
    if_else(str_detect(string, "-"), word(string, 1, sep = "-"), string))) %>%
  mutate(sample = if_else(str_detect(string, "-"), word(string, 2, sep = "-"), NA_character_)) %>%

# fix mixed date formats
farm_file <- farm_file %>%
    mutate(across(starts_with("samp_date_"), ~ format(dmy(.), "%Y-%m-%d")))
# table by sample and animal
samp_date_table <- farm_file %>%
  select(animal, samp_date_1, samp_date_2, samp_date_3, samp_date_4) %>%
    cols = -animal,
    names_to = "sample_txt",
    values_to = "samp_date"
  ) %>%
  mutate(sample = substr(sample_txt, 11, 11)) %>%

sero_df <- left_join(sero_df, samp_date_table, by = c("animal", "sample"))
sero_df$samp_date <- as.Date(sero_df$samp_date)

farm_file$farm_code <- with(farms_locs,

sero_df$farm_code <- with(farm_file,

sero_df <- sero_df %>%
  mutate(status = ifelse(grepl("_pro$", label), "Subclinical", "Clinical"),
         serotype = sub("/.*", "", label))

sub_only <- sero_df %>%
  filter(status == "Subclinical")

sub_only$serotype <- sub("/.*", "", sub_only$label)

save a copy

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saveRDS(sero_df, here("local/assets/sero_df.rds"))
write.csv(farms_locs, here("local/farms_locs.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

Co-Infected Animals

The below table lists samples with sequentially, or concurrent co-infection

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coinf_set <- sub_only %>%
  group_by(animal) %>%
  summarise(Infections = length(serotype)) %>%
  filter(Infections > 1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(animal) %>%
  mutate(Item = row_number()) %>%
  select(Item, animal, Infections)
Hide code
coinf_set %>%
  gt() %>%
    title = md("Sampled FMDV by Animal")) %>%
  cols_width(starts_with("animal") ~ px(100),
             starts_with("Infections") ~ px(90),
             everything() ~ px(95)) %>%
  tab_options(table.font.size = "small",
              row_group.font.size = "small",
              stub.font.size = "small",
              column_labels.font.size = "medium",
              heading.title.font.size = "large",
              data_row.padding = px(2),
              heading.title.font.weight = "bold",
              column_labels.font.weight = "bold") %>%
  opt_stylize(style = 6, color = 'gray')  %>%
  tab_caption(caption = md("Table lists subclinical animals sampled to have multiple infections.  May be sequential or coinfections, and may be from the same or different FMDVs. The Infections columns lits the number sampled.  Detailed records for these animals are in the next table."))
Table lists subclinical animals sampled to have multiple infections. May be sequential or coinfections, and may be from the same or different FMDVs. The Infections columns lits the number sampled. Detailed records for these animals are in the next table.
Sampled FMDV by Animal
Item animal Infections
1 8 2
2 59 2
3 161 2
4 168 3
5 177 2
6 178 2
7 183 2
8 184 3
9 185 2
10 189 3
11 192 3
12 208 2
13 229 2
14 231 2
15 237 2
16 254 2
17 263 2
18 272 2
19 277 2
20 284 2
Hide code
sub_only %>%
  filter(animal %in% coinf_set$animal) %>%
  select(-string) %>%
  arrange(animal) %>%
  gt() %>%
    title = md("Subclinical with Multiple Infections")) %>%
  cols_width(starts_with("label") ~ px(250),
             starts_with("animal") ~ px(90),
             starts_with("sample") ~ px(90),
             starts_with("farm_code") ~ px(100),
             starts_with("samp_date") ~ px(100),
             everything() ~ px(95)) %>%
  tab_options(table.font.size = "small",
              row_group.font.size = "small",
              stub.font.size = "small",
              column_labels.font.size = "medium",
              heading.title.font.size = "large",
              data_row.padding = px(2),
              heading.title.font.weight = "bold",
              column_labels.font.weight = "bold") %>%
  opt_stylize(style = 6, color = 'gray') %>%
  tab_caption(caption = md("Table lists indiviual records for animals sampled to have multiple infections.  Detailed version of previous table showing counts."))
Table lists indiviual records for animals sampled to have multiple infections. Detailed version of previous table showing counts.
Subclinical with Multiple Infections
label animal sample samp_date farm_code status serotype
Asia1/PAK/ICT/008-1/2011_pro 8 1 2011-12-28 A Subclinical Asia1
A/PAK/ICT/008-3/2012_pro 8 3 2012-05-17 A Subclinical A
A/PAK/ICT/059-1/2012_pro 59 1 2012-01-10 F Subclinical A
Asia1/PAK/ICT/059-2/2012_pro 59 2 2012-03-14 F Subclinical Asia1
O/PAK/ICT/161-1/2012_pro 161 1 2012-02-02 J Subclinical O
O/PAK/ICT/161-2/2012_pro 161 2 2012-03-29 J Subclinical O
A/PAK/ICT/168-2/2012_pro 168 2 2012-04-02 J Subclinical A
A/PAK/ICT/168-3/2012_pro 168 3 2012-07-03 J Subclinical A
Asia1/PAK/ICT/168-1/2012_pro 168 1 2012-02-07 J Subclinical Asia1
A/PAK/ICT/177-4/2012_pro 177 4 2012-11-21 Q Subclinical A
Asia1/PAK/ICT/177-1/2012_pro 177 1 2012-02-08 Q Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/178-2/2012_pro 178 2 2012-04-03 Q Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/178-3/2012_pro 178 3 2012-07-09 Q Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/183-2/2012_pro 183 2 2012-04-03 Q Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/183-1/2012_pro 183 1 2012-02-08 Q Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/184-3/2012_pro 184 3 2012-07-09 Q Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/184-2/2012_pro 184 2 2012-04-03 Q Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/184-1/2012_pro 184 1 2012-02-08 Q Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/185-1/2012_pro 185 1 2012-02-08 Q Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/185-3/2012_pro 185 3 2012-07-09 Q Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/189-2/2012_pro 189 2 2012-04-04 R Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/189-3/2012_pro 189 3 2012-07-11 R Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/189-4/2012_pro 189 4 2012-11-22 R Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/192-4/2012_pro 192 4 2012-11-22 R Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/192-3/2012_pro 192 3 2012-07-11 R Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/192-2/2012_pro 192 2 2012-04-04 R Subclinical Asia1
A/PAK/ICT/208-1/2012_pro 208 1 2012-02-15 R Subclinical A
Asia1/PAK/ICT/208-4/2012_pro 208 4 2012-11-27 R Subclinical Asia1
A/PAK/ICT/229-1/2012_pro 229 1 2012-02-21 V Subclinical A
Asia1/PAK/ICT/229-4/2012_pro 229 4 2012-12-03 V Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/231-4/2012_pro 231 4 2012-12-03 V Subclinical Asia1
A/PAK/ICT/231-1/2012_pro 231 1 2012-02-21 V Subclinical A
A/PAK/ICT/237-1/2012_pro 237 1 2012-02-22 W Subclinical A
Asia1/PAK/ICT/237-4/2012_pro 237 4 2012-12-03 W Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/254-4/2012_pro 254 4 2012-12-05 Y Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/254-1/2012_pro 254 1 2012-02-23 Y Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/263-1/2012_pro 263 1 2012-02-28 BB Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/263-4/2012_pro 263 4 2012-12-10 BB Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/272-4/2012_pro 272 4 2012-12-11 AA Subclinical Asia1
O/PAK/ICT/272-1/2012_pro 272 1 2012-02-29 AA Subclinical O
Asia1/PAK/ICT/277-1/2012_pro 277 1 2012-02-29 AA Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/277-4/2012_pro 277 4 2012-12-11 AA Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/284-3/2012_pro 284 3 2012-08-28 BB Subclinical Asia1
Asia1/PAK/ICT/284-1/2012_pro 284 1 2012-03-01 BB Subclinical Asia1

Subclinical Infections by Serotype and Date

Figure showing timeline of infections by subclinical animal.

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sero_df_red <- sero_df %>%
  filter(status == "Subclinical")  %>%
  mutate(animal_farm = paste(farm_code, animal, sep = ": "))

sero_df_red <- sero_df_red %>%
  arrange(desc(farm_code), animal) %>%
  mutate(animal_farm = factor(animal_farm, levels = unique(animal_farm)))

background <- sero_df_red %>%
  group_by(farm_code) %>%
  summarize(ymin = min(which(levels(animal_farm) %in% animal_farm)) - 0.5,
            ymax = max(which(levels(animal_farm) %in% animal_farm)) + 0.5) %>%

palette_colors <- pals::watlington(length(unique(sero_df_red$farm_code)))
Hide code
ggplot() +
  geom_rect(data = background, aes(xmin = as.Date("2011-11-30"), 
                                   xmax = as.Date("2012-12-31"), 
                                   ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, 
                                   fill = farm_code), col="transparent", alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_point(data = sero_df_red, aes(x = samp_date, y = animal_farm, 
                                   color = serotype, shape = serotype), size = 3) + 
  labs(title = " ",
       x = " ",
       y = "Animal",
       color = "Serotype",
       shape = "Serotype",
       fill = "Farm") +
  theme_minimal() +
   guides(color = guide_legend(order = 1, nrow = 1, title.position = "top", title.hjust = 0.5),
         shape = guide_legend(order = 1, nrow = 1, title.position = "top", title.hjust = 0.5),
         fill = guide_legend(order = 2, nrow = 3, title.position = "top", title.hjust = 0.5)) +
  scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) gsub(".*: ", "", x)) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = palette_colors) + 
  theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5),"cm"),
        panel.grid.major = element_line(linewidth = 0.15),
        panel.grid.minor = element_line(linewidth = 0.05),
        legend.direction = "horizontal",
        strip.text = element_text(size=16, face="bold"),
        strip.background = element_blank(),
        legend.key.size = unit(2,"line"),
        legend.key.width = unit(3,"line"),
        legend.text = element_text(size=16, face="bold"),
        legend.title = element_text(size=18, face="bold"),
        axis.title.x = element_text(size=18, face="bold"),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size=22, face="bold"),
        axis.text.x = element_text(face="bold", size=15, vjust=0.5, 
                                   hjust=0.5, angle=0),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size=10, face="bold"),
        plot.title = element_text(size=10, face="bold"),
        legend.spacing = unit(4, "cm"), 
        legend.margin = margin(t = 2, b = 1))

Figure 2: Figure summarizes the serotypes and timiming of FMDV sampled from animals listed along vertical axis. More than one point on a line indicates multiple infections were detected.

Tree Dates

The (ugly) code below used to create date files for serotype-specific time calibrated trees in Beast. Dates for clinical samples used as outgroups are queried at GenBank using the custom functions get_isolate_collection_date() and get_accession_date_meta() that search the samples metadata for date related information. The rentrez package is used for metadata retrieval.

Query NCBI

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iso_names <- c("A/PAK/KCH/7/2009", "A/PAK/ICT/1/2008", "A/PAK/ICT/276/2012", 
               "A/PAK/SGD/12/2012", "A/PAK/PSH/34/2012", "A/PAK/FSD/4/2012")

isolate_dates <- get_isolate_collection_date(iso_names) 
Loading required package: rentrez
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isolate_dates %>% # only years available...  The middle June 1 will be used for month and day
IsolateName CollectionDate
A/PAK/KCH/7/2009 2009
A/PAK/ICT/1/2008 2008
A/PAK/ICT/276/2012 2012
A/PAK/SGD/12/2012 2012
A/PAK/PSH/34/2012 2012
A/PAK/FSD/4/2012 2012
Hide code
acc_numbers <- c("KF112900", "JF721440", "MT981310", "MF140445", "JN006719", 
                 "KM268898", "JX170756", "MT944981", "KR149704")

access_meta <- get_accession_date_meta(acc_numbers) # only year for some...

access_meta %>%
AccessionNumber CollectionDate IsolateName StrainName
KF112900 14-Jan-2009 A/BAR/2/2009 NA
JF721440 NA NA A/KUN/AFG/L1577/2009
MT981310 2012 A/PAK/6/2012 NA
MF140445 Mar-2017 Asia1/NIAB/PUN/PAK/203/2016 NA
JN006719 NA As/SIN/PAK/L5/2008 NA
KM268898 09-Feb-2013 TUR/13/2013 NA
JX170756 Feb-2011 O/KHI/PAK/41/2011 NA
MT944981 14-Feb-2016 O/IRN/9/2016 NA
KR149704 2010 O/PAK/1/2010 NA

Creating dates table for Beast.

Hide code
tree_tmp <-"local/paktrees", tree_files[6]))

tree_tips <-
    label = tree_tmp$tip.label

dates_file <- sero_df %>%
  select(label, samp_date)

dates_file <- left_join(tree_tips, dates_file, by="label") 

dates_file <- dates_file %>%
  mutate(samp_date = case_when(
    label == "KF112900" ~ as_date("2009-01-14", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    label == "JF721440" ~ as_date("2009-06-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    label == "MT981310" ~ as_date("2012-06-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    label == "A/PAK/KCH/7/2009" ~ as_date("2009-06-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    label == "A/PAK/ICT/1/2008" ~ as_date("2008-06-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    label == "A/PAK/ICT/276/2012" ~ as_date("2012-06-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    label == "A/PAK/SGD/12/2012" ~ as_date("2012-06-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    label == "A/PAK/PSH/34/2012" ~ as_date("2012-06-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    label == "A/PAK/FSD/4/2012" ~ as_date("2012-06-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    TRUE ~ samp_date 

write.table(dates_file, file = here("local/beast/a_1/fmd_a_dates.tsv"), 
            sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

Creating dates table for Beast.

Hide code
tree_tmp <-"local/paktrees", tree_files[7]))

tree_tips <-
    label = tree_tmp$tip.label

tree_tips <- tree_tips  %>%
  mutate(parts = str_split(label, "/")) %>%
  mutate(string = sapply(parts, function(x) if (length(x) > 3) x[4] else NA)) %>%
  mutate(animal = as.integer(
    if_else(str_detect(string, "-"), word(string, 1, sep = "-"), string))) %>%
  mutate(sample = if_else(str_detect(string, "-"), word(string, 2, sep = "-"), NA_character_)) %>%

dates_lu <- sero_df %>%
  mutate(date = samp_date) %>%
  select(label, date) 

tree_tips <- left_join(tree_tips, dates_lu, by = c("label"))

is_year <- function(x) {
  sapply(x, function(y) {
    if (grepl("^[0-9]{4}$", y)) {
      year <- as.numeric(y)
      return(year >= 1950 && year <= 2015)

tree_tips <- tree_tips %>%
    label_year = substr(label, nchar(label)-3, nchar(label)),
    is_year = is_year(label_year),
    date = ifelse(
      is_year == TRUE &, 
      as.Date(paste(label_year, "06", "01", sep="-")),
    date = as.Date(date, origin="1970-01-01")
  ) %>%
  select(-c(string, animal, sample, label_year, is_year))

tree_tips <- tree_tips %>%
  mutate(date = case_when(
    label == "MF140445" ~ as_date("2017-03-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    label == "JN006719" ~ as_date("2008-06-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    label == "KM268898" ~ as_date("2013-02-09", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    TRUE ~ date 

write.table(tree_tips, file = here("local/beast/asia1_1/fmd_asia1_dates.tsv"), 
            sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

Creating dates table for Beast.

Hide code
tree_tmp <-"local/paktrees", tree_files[9]))

tree_tips <-
    label = tree_tmp$tip.label

tree_tips <- tree_tips  %>%
  mutate(parts = str_split(label, "/")) %>%
  mutate(string = sapply(parts, function(x) if (length(x) > 3) x[4] else NA)) %>%
  mutate(animal = as.integer(
    if_else(str_detect(string, "-"), word(string, 1, sep = "-"), string))) %>%
  mutate(sample = if_else(str_detect(string, "-"), word(string, 2, sep = "-"), NA_character_)) %>%

tree_tips <- left_join(tree_tips, dates_lu, by = c("label"))

tree_tips <- tree_tips %>%
    label_year = substr(label, nchar(label)-3, nchar(label)),
    is_year = is_year(label_year),
    date = ifelse(
      is_year == TRUE &, 
      as.Date(paste(label_year, "06", "01", sep="-")),
    date = as.Date(date, origin="1970-01-01")
  ) %>%
  select(-c(string, animal, sample, label_year, is_year))

tree_tips <- tree_tips %>%
  mutate(date = case_when(
    label == "JX170756" ~ as_date("2011-02-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    label == "MT944981" ~ as_date("2016-02-14", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    label == "KR149704" ~ as_date("2010-01-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    TRUE ~ date

write.table(tree_tips, file = here("local/beast/o_1/fmd_0_dates.tsv"), 
            sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)